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Level 1 Circuit Breaker Breach

March 12, 2020

BOX has halted trading on all options symbols following the 7% drop of the S&P 500 (Level 1 circuit breaker threshold). Trading will resume upon the opening of the underlying symbols.

Options Quote Relief

March 12, 2020

Due to current market conditions, BOX has granted double width quote relief for all option symbols for March 12, 2020.

Options Quote Relief

March 11, 2020

Due to current market conditions, BOX has granted double width quote relief for all option symbols for March 11, 2020.

Options Quote Relief

March 10, 2020

Due to current market conditions, BOX has granted double width quote relief for all option symbols for March 10, 2020.

Level 1 Circuit Breaker Breach

March 9, 2020

BOX has halted trading on all option symbols following the 7% drop of the S&P 500 (Level 1 circuit breaker threshold). Trading will resume upon the opening of the underlying symbols.

Options Quote Relief

March 9, 2020

Due to current market conditions, BOX has granted double width quote relief for all option symbols for March 9, 2020.